From The Mid Wasteland

From The Style Scout
I've recently become addicted to street fashion blogs, and I think I understand why. It's one thing to check out pix of celebs or models from magazines and try to emulate what they are wearing, how they look, and how much money they spend. But it's quite another to see the average Joe (or Jane) on the street, rockin' looks that they assembled themselves, some pretty unique and some at times questionable, but still very cool all the same.

From Altamira NYC
These fashionable sorts often sport ensembles that include a mix of vintage/thrift store finds, designer names, eBay purchases, and your basic Target wardrobe. I love seeing the different takes on common styles (preppy, mod, hippie, etc.) as well as the more unusual styles that you can't find in the pages of a fashion magazine. I think I've been greatly inspired by these folks too. I mean, if these people feel free and bold enough to wear what they want and not care about any sort of rules or do's and don'ts, then I certainly can be a bit more adventuresome in what I wear, right?

I think my favorite street fashion blog is Fashionist. Not only does Mai (the blogger and photographer) take photos of people of every size, shape, race, and age, but she does not make judgements or ridicule these people. She asks each person she photographs what inspires them, and their responses are quite fascinating. Her words are always admiring, or at the very least interested on an aesthetic level, and she always finds the positive aspect of people's garb to blog about. I like that, because there is too much negativity about people's looks and how they choose to present themselves to the world. And unless we're often showcased in the pages of Vogue (and even if we aren't), what right do we have to cast judgement on others' appearances when we ourselves are not perfect?

From Fashionist
Some of my other favorite street fashion blogs are Altamira NYC, Pike/Pine, Face Hunter, The Mid Wasteland (all about Chicago street fashion), HEL LOOKS, and The Style Scout. Check 'em out for a fresh take on fashion, style, inspiration, and a look at the more colorful side of people's personas.

From Face Hunter

From Pike/Pine
(Photos are all copyrighted by the blogs listed)
I didn't know about street fashion, well except the the Glamour mag "do and don't" type situations. I will have to look into these. great inspiration.
I've heard of The Sartorialist before, but I never knew there were so many others of this type of blog.
I think it is such a great idea. I love how they go against the flow of mainstream fashion and send out messages that it is the people wearing the clothes that dictate fashion, and not the money-seeking people that make them.
How I would be honored to be stopped one day and asked to be photographed and posted on one of these. That would sort of be an honor—like saying, "hey, you dress cool and unique!" :)
i have always admired the person who dresses according to their own liking and not the latest fashion trend. a look that especially grabs me is the old schoolboy/messy/art junky look. i find it irresistable, especially on men.
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