Sleeping. I adore sleeping. There's nothing better than getting all cozy in your bed, with the lights off and the doggies/husband cuddling with you, and snoozing the night (and morning, if I'm lucky) away. My head hits that pillow and I'm usually out within five minutes. And the next thing I know, my alarm is going off and it's time to get up.
I am one of those people that could easily sleep past noon every day, even after going to bed as early as 10:00. Yes, twelve hours of sleep is sometimes still not enough for me. I sleep so much at times that I hurt when I wake up (achy, stiff, etc.). Now THAT'S sleeping!
But lately I've been having trouble counting those sheep, and I'm not sure why. It's not necessarily that I'm up all night worrying or overly-caffeinated (although once in a while I end up down that path). I just seem to have very restless and broken sleep, to the point where I'm waking up several times a night, unable to get comfortable, tossing and turning more than usual...
It's frustrating. And of course I can take something to help me sleep, no problem. But I'd like to figure out why I can't seem to sleep uninterrupted. I'm curious what's causing my nighttime unsettled state of being.
Are you having trouble sleeping lately? If so, have you been able to figure out why?
I always have problems sleeping - last night it was though I was sleeping I was hating the sounds of my breathing. Then I always wake up at 3:30 in the morning.
try reading in bed or something really relaxing.
sleeping is the greatest when all goes as planned! i usually have trouble sleeping when i am super excited, very worried, or stressed out. caffeine does not help matters, nor does working out too late in the evening. i hope your sleep problem ends soon.
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