I just updated my blog roll to include those cool little thumbnails and titles of recent posts from other blogs. I've tried to duplicate the ones I already had in my old boring list, in addition to some new blogs I'm reading, but I think I've missed a few. I realized I don't follow all of the blogs I read, even though I thought I was, so there is a bit of a discrepancy. Now I gotta try to remember which blogs I'm accidentally not following. Yes, I'm very confused.
If yours is one of the forgotten ones on my list (and you don't mind being on my blog roll), please let me know in the comments section. Thanks!
Thanks so much, Chris for your sweet comment. I've been so busy with my shop lately, that I haven't had a chance to check out blogs lately :( How've you been? Hope all is well with you. I've been thinking of you, and Georgia with the freezing temperatures you've all been having. I hope it's getting better.
oh i love your animals! we have 3 kids, 2 dogs and 4 cats:) it's the best!
:) and you inspire me - thank you for being part of my daily inspiration.
Thank you all :)
I'm good but still trying to stay warm!
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