I often wonder what people think of what I wear. I guess that's bad, that they say you shouldn't care what people think of you. That's not what I'm talking about though. I'm more interested in their impressions of my wardrobe, what they think about me as a person, and what my clothes say in that regard.
Not that I care to the point of changing my style, but I do like approval, interest, and support. It sort of feeds my boldness and makes me go even farther out on that shaky limb called fashion. I like looking different from other people, but I think most people don't "get" me or what look I'm trying to go for. I suppose I don't often know myself, although I sometimes have emotions or themes in mind when I'm choosing an outfit.

Why do I care so much about trivial matters like my clothes? I guess it's because it's fun to express my artistic side in ways other than art, photography—heck, even writing. I realized that I rarely wear the same outfit twice (not counting my weekend cleaning/errand clothes). Do people think that's weird? Do they wonder what I'll wear to work, are they mildly amused, or do they not care at all? Do they think I'm a good candidate for "What Not to Wear," or are they inspired by my offbeat notions and sometimes questionable choices in attire?
I'm always fascinated by others and what they wear, why they wear it, and what it says about them. Are you? Not to say that I'm fascinating, but these are the thought processes that go through my head when I look at other people. Does that make me weird? I dunno.
Anyhow, just thinking out loud here. Back to playing with my pretty shoes...
love the shot....you are OK some people care some do not ...to me it is a form of expression.
as the Rod Stewart song goes, you wear it well. that is the key to fashion to me that whatever it is, you toss your head back and smile. I think you look cute! And..you referenced one of my favorite shows! SHUT UP! (In my very best Stacey voice)
i think what people wear says soooo much about them, even if they are not trying to say something about themselves.
you just keep doing your thing, girl. it works! it's you. it's never even close to distasteful. it's got your sense of artfulness and flare.
keep it up, or i'll beat you up. :)
Clothes say alot about who you are, what you do for a living and what kind of mood your in. I always comment when someone is wearing something cute and then wish I had a better wardrobe - I'm bad. Never care what others think, good or bad - dress for yourself - because it makes you feel amazing.
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