Well, today is another day where I had two choices: Either go to work and be sent home early, without pay, because we have no work, or take another vacation day. So of course I chose the vacation day. And here I am at home, working on freelance, shoveling the drive (another snow storm!), and feeling bummed. Things are not good at work and it sounds like a permanent slow down/shut down is on the horizon. All I can do is search for jobs, get stuff done around the house, and be thankful I still have lots of vacation days left, just in case. Oh, and having some severance is a very good thing, I'm thinking...
At least I didn't have to drive to work in all this snow, right?
ugh ...I know the feeling ...well, minus the snow :) Keep busy!
hi chris, so sorry work sucks. what do you do for work, you and georgia? just curious. also let me tell you it's super slow at our shop and with many of the shops around. i still am hoping though that with a new president and change of year that things will gain energy and pick up. it has to. we need our shop to survive too! yikes, hang in there. work on your art and focus on that for now :)
Georgia and I work at a publishing company here in Illinois. We were bought out by a major corporation almost two years ago, and since then, things have been going downhill, and rather rapidly during the last year. It's slow everywhere which sucks, it's like a domino effect, but what can you do? I just wish we didn't have so much attitude and blame from management. If there was respect for the employees, we'd all get through it together, but that's not the case at our company (I'm sure G can tell quite a few stories about it too).
Sorry to hear about both of you with your recent slow downs...everyone's hurting :(
I'm sorry Chris. This economy is affecting so many people. I really and truly hope things look up for you.
I'm there with you hon....I drove by my old workplace today and dropped off some clothes for a friend that works on the side of the company that did not get laid off. *sigh*
I keep repeating positive things as I can't dwell in the negative - I get too scared.
I hope it all works out for you. Let me know if I can help.
i missed you.
Oh no... gosh, there are just more and more people going through this. Keep your hopes up. Things could turn around. God has a funny way of reminding us that He's in control.
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