I just got the new Anthropologie catalog the other day, and as always, I love the whole look of the "story" they staged to show the clothes (and of course the clothes themselves). I wanted to show you some nice pictures from the catalog, but it's not even posted on their site yet! Strangely enough, they have pix for the individual dresses posted (under the "On the model" view) so I was able to show you actual pix from the catalog, although they're somewhat tiny. I really like the simple, slightly mod look of some of the dresses, with touches of ruffles, flowers, and pops of color.

Most of these I couldn't wear—well, the shifts anyhow (hello, hips!) but I certainly appreciate their aesthetic. And patterned coats can look quite lovely over dresses of another hue and design, don't you think?

I like this mix of patterns and textures, which is something I'm still working on trying in my own wardrobe, although I sometimes do this accidentally.

Besides all the pretty clothes, shoes, and accessories in the catalog, lots of home furnishings were featured. And I discovered that this image (shown below) is in the catalog, but flipped, yet the book on the table wasn't Photoshopped or anything to fix the backwards title! (The title is "Russia.") I've seen this once before in another catalog, and it's finding little mistakes like this that delights the proofreader in me.

Anyhow, if you got the catalog in the mail, check it out. Otherwise take a look at the website, and perhaps draw some inspiration from their current selection. I could never afford their clothes, unless on sale or clearance, but that doesn't mean I can't use them to put together a similar look on my own from thrift stores and the like.
I adore those rugs!
Stylish selection of these dresses...
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