Monday, January 19, 2009

Camera ready

Do you ever have those nightmares where you're on vacation somewhere fabulous and you realize you don't have your camera with you? Mine always seem to center on Australia for some reason, but the story is always the same. I arrive somewhere gorgeous, reach for my camera, and—what??? No camera! I become insanely panicky and run around town, looking for a shop, any shop, that sells disposable cameras. Which is funny, because I never seem to search for shops that sell digital cameras in my dreams, which would be the smarter and more logical thing to do.

I haven't had one of those dreams lately, but I thought about it for some reason yesterday, probably because I was lucky to have my camera handy. It was one of those magical days where I saw photo ops everywhere I went. Granted, it was just inside my house, but the time and place didn't matter. I couldn't stop taking pix, and I had an absolute blast. I got lots of great images from those sessions and had so much fun. It feels so good to kick that creative drought in the butt and get that excited feeling again, the one where I feel like I can't take the pictures fast enough—or take enough of them, for that matter.

And while not every picture is frame-worthy, as Georgia would say, I still had a blast and practiced the ol' craft. I can't say that Dollie agrees with that as is evident from these outtakes, but that's okay. I suffer enough when I go to the washroom and she makes me turn on the water for her, so we're even.

(Check out all the pix from Dollie's nap here on my Flickr page.)

1 comment:

Char said...

my cat would prefer to drink from a running faucet too. I thought this series was great.