Farewell, my wonderful little friend. It's been a long journey, but you and I must part ways. You have served me well, and have endured countless falls, beatings, and stints in my crowded purse. Your antenna was lost eons ago, and your pretty logos have long since faded away. Thanks for holding out until I got home safely from my bachelorette party last night. I'm sure you struggled to stay charged and functioning while I had a good time, only to give out in the middle of the night while I was cozy in my bed. Your final breath was drawn upon my kitchen counter, but you live on within my heart.
Good bye.
UPDATE: I thought I'd fiddle with the battery one last time to see if my phone was truly dead, and it worked! I smiled as it played its happy little video game song, welcoming me back. Now I can save my money for at least another day before I have to fork over big cash for a new phone. Yay!
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