Georgia has given me a project to do: find letters in everyday buildings and objects (and even actual letters in neon signs) to spell out different words. We saw such a thing at a shop in Crystal Lake this weekend while we were shopping, and we both thought it was best idea in the world. So far I have X, A, and L, but I still have to crop the images to properly frame the letters from each image (the L seems a bit too hard to see, too). It's exciting to try finding something so familiar in abstract shapes around you.
The neat thing is you can get really creative with the letters and words you make. For instance, at this shop there was a group of letters that spelled out the word "coffee," and the O was actually a coffee cup. Brilliant! And of course now I've been seeing letters everywhere. I think this project is going to turn out pretty awesome, and when we're done I think I'll make one of those iPhoto books I blogged about earlier.
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