I figure it's about time to select a wedding photo to enlarge and frame for our home, now that the decorating stage is underway. My favorite is this one (featured on the right side of my blog), with my nieces and nephew holding the train of my dress as Pete and I head for our carriage, newly married and very happy. It's available in black and white and color, so it's a matter of choosing that and the size (I'm thinking 11 x 14 or 16 x 20). I'd like to display it over the entertainment center we got for free that will eventually be moved in here. Then I think I'll put all the frame smaller family and friend photos on top of the entertainment center, surrounding the large wedding photo as a sort of collage. Both Sam and my parents have something similar displayed (Sam's pix are on her fireplace mantel and my parents' pix are on a dresser) and I really like it.
watching your ideas unfold is special.
love the shot and I use my mantel as a collage too
this is one of my favorites
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