Well, I've dragged that old teacher's desk out of our storage room and placed it in front of that gorgeous wall of windows in our dining room. Of course, Pete might complain, but we're not set up in there for dining yet anyhow. So when we actually do put our dining table and china cabinet in there, which are patiently waiting in other locations, I'll assess the situation and see if my drawing desk still fits. If not, I'll go to Plan B and possibly C. But for now, it works. And I can spread out my drawing supplies/SCBWI info/journals on the table without having to pack stuff up again.
Yes, it's a plastic chair, but I don't really need anything new right now, unless I see something for a great price. But I'd love to hang up my inspiration board too, perhaps in some sort of temporary fashion so that I can move it if need be. Nice rusty burning barrel in the background, eh? That's Pete's thing. I wish I could get rid of it, but he likes to burn stuff in the middle of the yard in an old barrel. Go figure.
Now I just gotta go back to my parents' house and drag out all my drawing supplies from the garage. Wow, has it been that long since I've done traditional drawings? It's been all computerized work since I left home to be with Pete, so this is both exciting-new and comfortable-old territory.

a beautiful desk - I can remember my dad having a barrel like that and we roasted hot dogs in the flames sometimes.
Great desk! Happy drawing!
i l.o.v.e that desk! and the windows are just beautiful! light always works for me...
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