I came across this brilliant idea proposed by Shelagh at Artful Penpals. It's all about reviving the art of letter writing, and the beauty and thought in the written letter. And what better way to do so than to have a bunch of pen pals writing letters to each other? Use your fanciest stationery and your prettiest stamps. Make it as original as you are. Imagine what YOU'D like to receive in the mail, and use that as an idea to work off of. I'm already brainstorming on just what I'm going to send to my pen pal. It's so exciting and fun to create something lovely for someone else to discover in their mailbox, isn't it?
Interested? Sign up here.
are you going to participate? I signed up
i love this idea! it's so personal to actually see someone's handwriting, you feel closer to them. my best friend lives in finland and we always write that way, nevere e-mail. we'll wait months to get letter to each other but it's worth the wait. i'm off to check out this site, sounds fun :)....hope you're feeling better than your post below?
Hi, thanks for the great idea. I am going to sign up right after work today. I do love pretty things in the mail.
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