That's where I really felt some magic, as I browsed through milk glass bud vases, charming children's books, and dainty tea cups. Georgia found a pretty vintage pin, gorgeous sparkly necklace, and lots of old photographs and sheet music. I was torn on a few purchases (like a beautiful tarnished silver-plated pitcher), but we both reasoned that we don't go out getting our hair done or out on the town all the time, so what harm is there in finding unique treasures at reasonable prices? Most of what we purchased was under $10 each and really cool (I emphasize cool).
And of course we hit the streets afterward and found lots to photograph, now that we were laden with bags and delicate things. The sun forced its way out and things seemed really interesting, now that our senses had been dazzled by the antique shop. I think we would have taken many more pix, but I had lots to carry, and Georgia had to get home early. It was a lot of fun hanging out with Georgia (I've missed her!), and we had a great time finding timeless treasures.
Here's a photographic synopsis of our afternoon:

We met at this Starbucks in downtown St. Charles, next to this beautiful marquis. Then we headed across the street to have lunch at a Mexican restaurant.

Our bellies more than full, we found that a funky yellow door was calling our name across the street, but the lighting and temps weren't cooperating with us. Plus the antique shop that belonged to this door was closed, and we were f-f-f-freezing! Georgia stopped at her car to get another jacket, but we were both still rather chilled.

After heading further down the street in search of more antique shops, we paused to take pix on the bridge over the Fox River. We were both freezing our butts off here, but bravely struggled on.

The rooflines of the shops downtown are both historic and beautiful. We finally found a cool antique shop where we browsed (and bought) for a long time. We had a blast looking at all the little trinkets, housewares, and artwork there. It was so much fun, I could have stayed there another hour or two.

On the way back to our cars, we passed the famous Hotel Baker. Someday Pete and I plan to have the Sunday Champagne Brunch—perhaps for our anniversary?

Behind the hotel is a deck and gazebo overlooking the Fox River. Lots of weddings happen here.

Back at the yellow-doored shop, we paused to take pix of the windows and their spoils. Here's Georgia composing a shot across the street.

There's that beautiful marquis again, next to some cheerful blue storefronts.

Technical difficulties? Georgia tinkers with her awesome camera while I attempt to prevent myself from breaking my antique shop goods, which were carefully packaged in bubble wrap and bagged.

I still managed to squeeze in some window shots of my own. This one is my favorite. I love the blue sky, yellow bus, green wall, pink couch, and white display case.

Georgia and I bid farewell, and on the way to my car I passed this pretty blue birdhouse.

Then I happened to look down as I crossed the street and saw a bright red patch of sidewalk beneath my feet. I managed to squeeze off a shot before I moved on.

Back home, I took pix of my finds. Here's me holding the silver teacup.

Another view of the teacup. That's a container of spaghetti sauce–colored dish water in my kitchen sink, but it makes a nice backdrop, no?

Here's a cute little bird and nest I got for $3. He's so cute, isn't he? I like how he's (she's?) admiring my robin's egg–blue ring, as if it's an actual egg.

And yes, I got the tarnished silver-plated pitcher. I will show more pictures later with flowers in it. See the reflection in the pitcher? Looks vaguely ring-like....

A charming blue bird paperweight was another inexpensive purchase ($4.50). There's that ring again...yes, I'm a nerd.

A spread of vintage magazines, including The American Home, and Better Homes and Gardens. I did take a picture with my ring in it, but it just looked weird. Anyhow, I love the colors on these covers! Totally frame-worthy.

A vintage Life magazine cover. I'm trying to figure out who the baby on the cover is (the caption is "one year old") but I don't see mention of him (her) inside. I just loved the photograph though.

And here it is with my ring, lol. The baby looks creepier here....

The magazines I got: Life (1937), The American Home (two issues from 1938), and Better Home and Gardens (both from 1926).

As I was catching a moth that was getting in my photographs, he posed on a measuring cup I was trying to catch him with. I snapped a picture and let him go to the great green world outside.

Later on, I was flipping through one of the issues of The American Home and saw the right-stack version of our Magic Chef 1000 stove (ours is a left stack, made circa 1935 and affectionately called Millicent, shown below). How cool is that?!

There you have it! A fun afternoon of good eats, photography, antique browsing, and catching up with an old friend. Can't wait for next time!
it looks delightful!
what great finds - you bought a blue bird which is very special to me. I also love the ring and the redbird.
what a great day + great finds! thanks for sharing!
i got some shots of you taking pics, too. :)
wow. what a long post! you hit every highlight! i need to get my shots up.
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