Here's a little entertainment for you while I wrestle with my laptop's mouse, trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with the damn thing. I think I have an idea what's up—it's related to the wireless USB transmitter; I think it's just gone wacky and I need a new mouse—but until then I struggle on, trying to do detailed drawings that are due ASAP and having my mouse freak out and open windows, new folders, etc. Fun, fun, fun. At least the AC is working and my iPhone has stopped hanging up on people.
Anyhow, until I'm back into blogging again later this week, I thought I'd share a good laugh with you. I saw this posted on a former schoolmate's Facebook page, and I groaned when I saw it. I'm not going to point out which one is me, but it's easy to figure out. Let me just say back then I was 50 pounds overweight, very nerdy and quiet, and had poor choices in hair and clothing. I'm so glad I'm not in high school anymore....
my annual is buried in a dark, dark place. LOL
sorry about your mouse though
Oh those 80s hair do's... Gotta love 'em!!! I so recall desperately wanting to perm my waist length hair... Fortunately I avoided the bangs-on-speed look but looking back on those fashions now, they seem like a cruel joke somehow, don't they? :) But they do provide some great entertainment!
Hope your mouse issue is sorted soon... Thinking of you on deadline.
Oh my goodness - the hair is great!
such fun looking at those old photos. i see some of mine too and i think, well, what were you thinking is what i think. at least we can all laugh! happy weekend! :)
that's awesome!
one of my friend's recently put up junior high yearbook pics. yikes! and he tagged me. :(
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