I know I'm constantly singing the praises of Trader Joe's, but there's a reason for that. One big reason (besides their wonderful pretzel bread) are the gorgeous flowers. Every time I go there, I find a new selection to choose from. I've gotten everything from irises to carnations, and have never been dissatisfied with the quality. Plus the prices are great—these snapdragons were $5.59 per bunch (I have a bunch of white and a bunch of pink here). Most of the flowers run around $5 a bunch, and even the pricier ones, like lilies, are still a deal at $7 and some change per bunch.
And yes, that's this print...

...in the background on my living room wall. I love looking at its pretty colors whenever I walk in the room.

And I just finished placing an order at Michael's for this print (above) to be custom framed as well. It's going to look like this.

It's an odd size and large, so unfortunately I can't just grab a frame and mat off the shelf and do it up nicely.
These lilies were on my display table for over a week, but were starting to lose petals, hence the purchase of the snapdragons. But then I realized there were a few flowers that hadn't opened yet and the lilies had some more life in them, so I just swapped the lilies over to the tv stand, and the snapdragons to the display table.
And of course these mums were on the tv stand, so they had to move upstairs to our bedroom. Pete probably wonders why I've gone so flower crazy, but they're cheap and pretty and I have lots o' vases for them.

But I couldn't resist this pretty iridescent vase from Target. The color in the very first photo in this post is more accurate. It's normally a $40 vase (which I would never spend on a vase like this) but it was marked down to $9.98. Quite a bargain, eh? And the custom framing job on the black and white image was half off. Oh yes, I am forever finding great deals on the clearance shelves at various stores, as well as having become a coupon-weilding fiend!
great find on that vase for sure - I need to venture out for flowers today as my sunflower finally gave up the ghost. I still wish I had a TJ's here.
wow! you got a great deal on that vase! have you used your brass one from the antique store yet?
that black and white print looks beautiful framed. too bad you can't just find a frame pre-made. i know how much those custom framings can cost. hopefully you at least got in on a good sale or coupon.
love that black and white image of the woman floating and so elegant in that frame, once you get it you'll have to post about where you decide to hang it. :)
Oh my goodness, that print that you're having framed is gorgeous!!! And I love your pretty living room print and the fresh flowers. Flowers are such a lovely treat, aren't they? I wish we had a Trader Joe's 'cause that's very good value!
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