Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New feature: Treasure of the day

I've become quite the magpie lately, or should I say, I'm just continuing the tradition. I have hunted around antique shops and flea markets since I was in my teens, and back then it was considered more dorky than hipster cool. I've been finding some really cool things lately, most dirt cheap or relatively inexpensive (I'm not one to willingly pay loads of money for something just because it's old or cool).

Anyhow, I figured I'd share my finds with you, since part of the joy of finding such treasure is sharing the experience. And there's lots to share, since, as I mentioned, I've been doing this forever. Plus, I've become much more skilled at finding and unearthing these cheap vintage and antique treasures.

So, here's today's treasure of the day:

A vintage pair of brass duck bookends for $3 from the local resale shop.

(Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone)

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