Saturday, January 31, 2009

I've crossed over to the Dark Side...

I finally did it. I joined Facebook. Yes, I know, I've heard it's addictive. But it seems like people have been talking about it a lot lately, and I figure networking right now is a GOOD thing.

I'm leery of having my info out there, no matter how minimal. But honestly, I babble about myself so much here, it's not exactly like my life is a mystery. Still, I guess I'm a bit nervous, but I've already seen a bunch of people I know on there.

So...will you be my friend? LOL


  1. It IS addicting. It's a good thing I can access it with my Blackberry during the day or I'd keel over! The only thing I don't really like are all the applications and how you have to allow it access too to see what someone sent you.

  2. it's just as addictive as blogger;-)
    I like fb a lot! despite the fact that I waste too much time up there ^^

  3. i love the cartoon.

    it is funny to think how many people on planet earth blog and facebook their days away at work.


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