Monday, December 1, 2008

S(l)ick journey, sick hubby, sick cat, sick treadmill

(Picture taken last winter near Savanna)

How was your weekend? I've been very absent from the blogosphere, and I miss it. But I've been out and about with the holidays and unable to blog until now. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and ate lots of good things. I know I sure did! It was nice to be off for so long though. The time always seems to fly by so fast, whereas it drags while I'm at work. Isn't that the way it always is?

Pete (who is currently sick and dealing with severe nausea) and I got home late last night from our trip out to Savanna. It was rather hairy at times, and we saw several cars that had driven off the road. We even had a bit of trouble and slid off once, and then got stuck in some ruts a second time. Three and a half hours later—and rather late at that—we were all home safe and warm, a bit shaken but okay.

(Pete—and me—during healthier times)

I just got home from taking Max to the vet. He had developed a severe allergic reaction to some previous flea bites, and had to get a steroid shot, an antibiotic shot, and flea meds (to get rid of any lingering unwanted guests). Anyhow, he's back at home eating his food and hopefully feeling better by the minute.

(Max during healthier times)

Well, I'm off to run on my wacky treadmill. It's developed a habit of running at random speeds when I first start it, which is great fun. I get on thinking I'm going to do a nice slow pace, and then it suddenly revs up to light speed. I've been lucky that I haven't been thrown off it yet, but it's definitely scared me a few times. I discovered if I let it run for a few minutes that it eventually calms down and acts normally. I'm not sure how long I can maintain this band aid on the the problem before it totally wacks out on me and never behaves again. So, long story short, I'm going to go run while it's still working somewhat decently.

(The treadmill during healthier times)

Anyhow, that's where I'm headed now, then back to blogland goes I, after I attend to my poor honey and cook him some soup. See you around!


  1. the treadmill image made me laugh :)
    a treadmill having a mind of it's own and being sick and twisted enough to go at varied speeds.
    thank you for giving me one more reason to never.
    work. out. ;)

  2. yay! she's back. i've missed your posts and your stories.

    glad you're back. hope all are well soon.

    ps. love that pic of you and Pete. i remember last winter when you had it on your monitor.

  3. Sounds like a hair raising experience getting home! Glad you guys made it back safely. And your poor kitty! Glad you get a chance to have a little treadmill time, even if it means a bit of an adventurous run...

    Hope you had a fab holiday weekend with lots of delicious food! I'm still waiting on that cake recipe ;)

  4. so glad you are safe. please look after yourself and get not only better but really healthy and well soon.

  5. Glad you're back! Your pets are so cute, I want them all!

  6. I hope all (including the treadmill) is back to their normal healthy selves again soon!


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