As someone who is chronically under the weather (and never used to be only five short years ago), I really appreciate those rare moments when I feel really good. I mean really, really good. For instance, this morning I had the usual headache and thirst. Then I also felt run down and sneezy by the time I got to work, which I attributed to my lovely allergies (to what in the middle of winter, I have no clue). And of course the twitching left eye began (thanks, Hooveritis) and I just didn't feel all that great. Big shocker there, eh? So I popped a Claritin-D and an aspirin, had lots of hot herbal tea, and went back to work.
Well, lo and behold, an hour later I was feeling pretty darn good, almost peppy—no, actually, I WAS peppy. What an odd sensation for me to experience. I remember it like an old friend, but haven't seen it in a while. So when I'm feeling peppy, happy, energized, and health problem-free (although my eye insists on twitching), I almost don't know what to do with myself. And that's where I'm at right now. I feel like bursting through the glass doors here at work, skipping through the parking lot, and just laughing. Laughing with happiness, with relief, with elation.
I am certainly not one of those to take such things for granted, and this is exactly why I enjoyed being tagged for sharing my five days of Happy Thoughts (as I was just telling Georgia). As little or big as my blessings may be, I considered myself truly blessed. When I feel good, life is good, all is rosy and happy, and the possibilities are endless. I know it's temporary, until my next fun health problem starts up again (swollen lymph nodes? stabbing chest pains from Hooveritis? migraine? exhaustion?) but I can't help but celebrate this golden window of opportunity. I look around at my coworkers and everyone is acting like life is the same. Don't they see the vivid colors of peoples' quirky cube decorations? Don't they find utter beauty in the delicate snowflakes outside, swirling about our windows? Can't they just explode with happiness over the heavenly warmth from our personal heaters (yeah, it's chilly in here)? Or share in the laughter of our coworkers (rare that it is becoming here these days)? Perhaps they, too, are simply waiting for their own golden window to appear, so that they may peer into the cheerful world it presents, and hopefully feel infused with life in its purest form.
Anyhow, this is what happens when I'm granted these moments. I just want to share with the world, and savor every last bit of happiness I experience from it. I hope you are fortunate enough to find yourself with a golden window today, no matter how small it is, whether a tiny peephole or a floor to ceiling sheet of glass. Enjoy it for what it is, share it if you like (and can), and just be glad we all get to experience this gorgeous thing called life, no matter how many ups and downs (so many downs lately, too) it offers.
savoring the good moments is so healthy. They are sometimes few and far between. I often get an eye twitch and feel horrid when I am stressed out ..and sometimes I don't even know I am stressed out until I start getting the symptoms. ugh. life.
ReplyDeletefeeling good after being unwell for a while is something so splendid, it feels wonderful. I hope you keep feeling better.
ReplyDeletepretty orchid!
ReplyDeletei'm so glad you are feeling better. let's keep our fingers crossed that it will last!
at least that is what i will be praying for for my friend.
this made me smile a very big smile...
ReplyDeletei am praying real hard about this matter.