These are my Diesel shoes that I bought last year on eBay. I have a gray pair that I got at DSW that I love. Then I happened to see these online, but they were almost out of stock at most stores. So I found them on eBay for a fraction of the cost, brand new, in the box. I think the official color is called Watermelon. They are a perfect Friday shoe for someone who was dragging physically and sleep deprived and crabby (yes, that was me today). Now that I'm home I'm wide awake and happier, but I think I'm on the verge of crashing here soon. I gotta get up early for work, and besides, the Dog Whisperer is on tv and he's calling my name...Shh! Shh! No, wait, that's his sound for bad dogs...
Gotta work tomorrow, but I hope to post pix of the resale shop excursion I'm going on after work with Georgia (and possibly Jen), and some pix from my new Olympus. So many pix to take, so little time...
Have a great weekend if I don't talk to you before Monday!
diesel is always different... i like the watermelon. can't wait to see the produce of the excursion.