Sunday, October 19, 2008

Some pretty things seen at J. Crew

Just got the new catalog in the mail...


  1. I *heart* jcrew...never can get tired of them.

  2. Mmm...the gloves. Love the long gloves.

  3. love the green jacket and the shoes : )

  4. JCrew is a lovely store:) I would pretty much wear anything they have in the catalog! However, is it just me or have they raised their prices a bit over the past year or so????

  5. After seeing everything you've posted...I'm glad I didn't get the catalog, because it's all gorgeous! I am doing pretty good on not spending, I don't need to spend more!!! haha

    Hope you had a good weekend, Chris. I'm loving the banner you designed on your new blog :)

  6. I think they're incredibly high, but I still keep admiring :)


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