Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A mod little camera: the Fujifilm Z200fd

Love the styling on this hip little camera from Fujifilm. Functionality and design combine with a laundry list of features in a stylish little compact camera anyone can use.

And best of all?

It also comes in red.


  1. I'd love to know how it shoots. I'm on the hunt for a good camera...and I think I've found the winning one...but now I'd like to build a collection and get some fish eye lenses and vintage cameras, too.

  2. Wow, what knid are you getting? Sounds like my current mission, too!

  3. hey Chris,
    I am very interested in getting the z200fd. but there are so little reviews about this camera. and it isnt really released everywhere here in Singapore. It is really tough to actually get a hands on experience with the camera. Do you by any chance have pictures taken by this camera?

    thanks alot!
    Lee yen.

  4. Hi Lee yen,

    I haven't had any experiences with this particular model, but I have played around with similar Fuji models, and they seemed pretty nice. I would try googling the camera and see if you can find reviews of it online (I'm sure you can). Hope you get the info you need and the camera you want!



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